

Links below take you to posts about this blog as well as to Max's web site.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bashful Bob and Doleful Dorinda

Bashful Bob and Doleful Dorinda
Written by Margaret Atwood.
Illustrated by Dušan Petričić.

Toronto, ON: Key Porter Kids, 2004.

32 pp., cloth, $21.95.
ISBN 1-55263-609-7.
Grades 1-5 / Ages 6-10.

Alliteration playfully punctuates Margaret Atwood's peppy picture book, Bashful Bob and Doleful Dorinda.
Bashful Bob is "abandoned in a basket" and thinks he is a dog. Doleful Dorinda's parents "disappear in a dreadful disaster" leaving her "dumped on distant relatives."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Free the Dragons / A Step Back

Sometimes we have to step back to step forward.

Hi, my name is Max Tell. This is part two of my series of personal stories,
"Free the Dragons". Have you faced your dragons today? 
Part Two: A Step Back Is One Step from Stepping Forward

Free the Dragons / Skydiving Baby

The amazing story of my first flight into the unknown.

Have you faced your dragons today? This is Max Tell with my series of personal stories, "Kill the Dragons".
Episode One: Skydiving Baby

Free the Dragons / Intro 2

What is a dragon?

Hi, my name is Robert Stelmach, a.k.a. Max Tell.

I am here not really to kill my dragons, but to face them. I'm also here to inspire you to face yours, or to help you to protect the children in your care from the dragons that haunt them.

What is a dragon?

Free the Dragons / Intro 1

Why I created this podcast.

Hello, my name is Max Tell. I am a writer, storyteller, singer, songwriter, and educator. I've wanted to create my own podcast for quite a while now. Now that I'm sitting here, it doesn't seem so easy.

Free the Dragons / Index

Max Tell: I have had problems with learning all my life. I have a 55 percentile short term memory capacity, making memorization a constant struggle. As a child, my difficulties with memorizing lead me to fear both reading and writing, for they seemed so far out of my reach. Yet I fell in love with language through song and that changed my life.

Table of Contents
Here you will find links to my healing story Free the Dragonsa
series of podcasts and blog posts outlining how falling in love with
language changed my life.

Please note, I changed the title of this series several times in the early
stages of this process and did not come up with a solid title until story
2 A Step Back.